Blastocyst Culture

Things to be Known

After the egg harvesting procedure, IVF or ICSI fertilization is performed in the IVF laboratory, and the produced embryos are incubated at room temperature for continued growth. This process is called Blastocyst Culture. The blastocyst is made up of two types of cells: an inner cell mass that develops into the fetus and an outside layer of cells termed trophectoderm that develops into the placenta.

Embryo transfer after IVF or ICSI has often been done on Day 2 or Day 3 after egg collection. However, developments in IVF laboratory technology now allow us to culture embryos for up to five days. This provides the embryos with more chances to demonstrate their developmental potential. Before day 5/6, some embryos remain static. The embryologist can use this 'natural selection of Blastocyst Culture to discover and pick the best embryo/s for artificial insemination.

Role of Blastocyst Culture in IVF/ Benefits of Blastocyst Culture

Blastocyst culture is an important part of the IVF process. Blastocyst culture benefits those who opt for IVF for reproducing. It plays a crucial role in the success of IVF fertility treatments.  

Blastocyst culture has several advantages over earlier stages of embryonic development in the IVF process. Some of the key advantages are:

1. Increased Chances of Implantation: Blastocysts have a greater chance of implantation compared to earlier-stage embryos, ultimately leading to higher pregnancy rates.

2. Reduced Risk of Multiple Births: By selecting the most viable and healthy blastocysts for transfer, the risk of multiple births is reduced. This, in turn, reduces the risk of obstetric complications associated with multiple pregnancies.

3. Increased Opportunities for Cryopreservation: As single embryo transfer is preferred nowadays, more embryos can be cryopreserved for future use in frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles, increasing the chances of successful pregnancies.

Who Can Benefit from Blastocyst Culture?

Blastocyst culture can benefit:

1. Patients with a history of multiple failed IVF, as it provides more information about embryo growth and can improve pregnancy rates.

2. Those looking to eliminate the risk of multiple pregnancies, as it allows for the transfer of the single healthiest embryo.

Blastocyst culture and day 5 embryo transfer for in vitro fertilization allows selection of the best quality embryos for transfer

  • Embryo quality is important with infertility
  • With blastocyst transfer, we transfer fewer embryos – reducing multiple pregnancy risks, and maintain high IVF success rates

Blastocyst formation rate:

  • The goal of in vitro fertilization and embryo culture is to provide high quality embryos which are capable of continued development and result in live births.
  • However, under standard IVF culture conditions, only about 25 to 60% of human embryos progress to the blastocyst stage after 5 days of culture.

The low rate of embryo development has 2 main causes:

  • A less than optimal culture environment in the lab dish
  • The inherent “weakness” of human embryos

Significance of Blastocyst Culture

Blastocyst culture necessitates ideal lab conditions. Around 45 percent of fertilized eggs make it to the blastocyst stage. Because only the most capable embryos develop into blastocysts, allowing embryos to grow and develop in the laboratory until they reach the blastocyst phase allows the most capable embryo/s to be selected for embryo transfer.

In addition, in a normal pregnancy, the embryo travels to the womb five days following fertilization, where it implants. On this day, the uterine lining is very receptive. As a result, performing a blastocyst transfer is more physiological. Some spouses require PGS or PGD. Because embryo biopsy is proposed to be performed at the blastocyst stage rather than on Day 2/3 embryos, blastocyst culture is essential for them.

Who are the Ideal Candidates?

For patients who have had numerous failed IVF attempts, blastocyst culture is recommended. A blastocyst culture performed on a patient with a history of unsuccessful IVF with day 2/3 embryo transfer can provide more information about the embryos' progress and help improve conception rates. Blastocyst cultivation enables the transfer of only the best embryo, limiting the potential of multiple pregnancies.

Things To Consider

For successful blastocyst culture, quality control and proper laboratory culture conditions are required. There's a chance that none of the embryos will develop into blastocysts. If this happens, the embryo transfer process will be canceled in that instance. It may be preferable to transfer a day3 embryo, depending on criteria such as age, medical history, and the amount and quality of embryos, especially for women in their first IVF cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between a blastocyst and an embryo?

    An embryo is a developing organism is the general term for the developing organism from fertilization. It evolves into a blastocyst about 5 to 6 days after fertilization.

  • What is blastocyst culture?

    Blastocyst culture is the process of nurturing embryos in a laboratory setting until they reach the blastocyst stage (day 5 or 6 of development) before transferring them to the uterus.

    Why is blastocyst culture done?

    Blastocyst culture can potentially improve implantation and pregnancy rates. It also allows embryologists monitor the development of the embryos for longer and select the healthiest ones for transfer.

    Who can benefit from blastocyst culture?

    Patients with numerous failed IVF attempts can benefit highly from blastocyst culture.

    What are the disadvantages of blastocyst transfer?

    Some of the disadvantages of blastocyst transfer include the possibility of fewer embryos surviving to the blastocyst stage, delaying the embryo transfer, and higher costs.

    When should you choose embryo transfer instead of blastocyst transfer?

    If you have had previous IVF failures with blastocyst culture, or if you have a limited number of embryos, there’s a possibility that embryo transfer may give you better results than blastocyst transfer.