Embryo Freezing - The Process, Benefits, and Safety

Using a method known as cryopreservation, or embryo freezing, doctors can freeze and retain unwanted embryos (fertilized eggs) developed during IVF, which may include intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The initial step in embryo cryopreservation is to freeze the embryos. The frozen embryos are then preserved and thawed as required for use in IVF in the future. People usually choose to freeze their embryos because they want to keep their chances of becoming a parent open in the future. People explore cryopreservation for a variety of reasons, including cancer treatment, advancing age, or the danger of damage.

Benefits of Embryo Freezing

The freezing and storage of embryos for future in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments are known as embryo cryopreservation. Patients may choose to cryopreserve embryos for a variety of reasons, including desiring a backup plan in case their IVF process fails, attempting conception in the future if they are successful, or saving money on future IVF cycles. If a man or woman is preparing to receive medical treatment that may harm their capacity to conceive, Embryo Freezing is a typical way to preserve their fertility. According to studies, infants born from frozen embryos had no higher risk of birth abnormalities than children born normally.

The Procedures of Embryo Freezing

Vitrification (flash freezing) and slow programmed freezing are the two technologies used by reproductive endocrinologists to freeze embryos. Although the Embryo Freezing methods range significantly, they all involve freezing embryonic cells with various cryoprotectants (also known as “antifreeze”) solutions. Water makes up the majority of cells, including those that produce embryos. When embryos are frozen, there is a risk that ice will form and harm cells when they are thawed. Cryoprotectants are used to preserve biological tissue from injury during the freezing process by stopping water from crystallizing.

Frozen embryos are effectively preserved in time regardless of the procedure utilized. All bioactivity in the embryo, including cell development and death, is ceased through the method of Embryo Freezing. Embryos are thawed and immersed in fluids to remove cryoprotectants and restore water inside cells when necessary. Embryos that have been frozen can be kept indefinitely.

Success Rates of Thawing Frozen Embryos

The process of thawing an embryo after cryopreservation has a relatively high success rate, and research suggests that women who use thawed embryos have good chances of delivering healthy babies.

According to a and review published in 2016, babies born after cryopreservation showed no increase in developmental abnormalities. However, the medical community still requires more long-term follow-up studies.

Some indicates that, compared with slow freezing, vitrification increases an embryo’s chance of survival, both at the freezing stage and during thawing.

How Long Can Embryos Stay Frozen?

In theory, a correctly frozen embryo can remain viable for any length of time. The embryos remain in sealed containers at temperatures of -321ºF. At this temperature, almost no biological processes, such as aging, can occur.

There are examples of successful pregnancies resulting from eggs that people have stored for up to 10 years. No long-term research into embryo freezing exists because doctors have only been carrying out the procedure since 1983.

Some countries regulate the length of time that a person can store their embryos. Freezing and storage are expensive, and each clinic has its own rules about what happens if a person can no longer use their embryos or keep them frozen.

Safety of Embryo Freezing

The freezing and thawing of embryos do not endanger subsequent IVF infants, according to research. IVF success rates are independent of the amount of time the embryo was preserved. The variation in pregnancy rates between frozen and fresh embryos is now insignificant because of advances in technology. Furthermore, the stimulation process with frozen embryo transfer is gentler, resulting in hormone levels in the woman that are closer to normal, perhaps improving conception rates. Any ice crystals that form during the slow freeze process may harm an embryo when it is thawed. One of the reasons vitrification is the favored cryopreservation method is this. According to research, there is no increased risk of birth defects in conception with Embryo Freezing.